Etsy Photographers Underexposed

Dear Etsy Admin. This petition is addressed to you by the undersigned photographers of the Etsy community. While we all appreciate Etsy and the great opportunity the site gives us in being able to open an online shop and offer our creations for sale, we have recently come to a point of frustration. We are addressing the Etsy admin for two reasons. First, we feel that there hasn't been an equal amount of exposure and promotion for the photography category, as there is for other crafts such as jewelry and clothing. second, we would appreciate any further help and suggestions from the Etsy experts to assist us in achieving our goal- more sales. More sales in our stores is eventually a goal that benefits us, as well as the entire Etsy community. We thank you in advance for your care and consideration, and we look forward to a better successful future on Etsy. The undersigned photographers of etsy.