Euclid Avenue Bicycle Plan
Euclid Bikes 0

Euclid Avenue Bicycle Plan

1207 signers. Add your name now!
Euclid Bikes 0 Comments
1207 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Make Euclid Avenue safer for bicyclists, drivers, and pedestrians by creating dedicated bike lanes.

Euclid Avenue is the main transportation corridor for students, faculty, staff and local residents coming to Syracuse University, SUNY ESF, and Upstate Medical Center by bike, foot, and car. Currently, over 500 cyclists cross through the intersection of Comstock and Euclid every day during the Spring and Fall. However, the current street design is unsafe for everyone. Alternate street parking, unclear road markings, and the lack of a dedicated bicycle lane create a dangerous situation. Routinely, bicycles and pedestrians are in accidents with cars and buses. According to the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, over 1,000 car, pedestrian, and bicycle accidents happen each year in Syracuse alone. That doesn't include the majority that go unreported, as you can see from the comment section below.

The benefits of creating a safe avenue for bicyclists and pedestrians goes well beyond reducing the number of accidents involving cars, buses, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Numerous transportation studies throughout the country show that bike lanes and cycle tracks (physically separated lanes) increase property values along routes. This likely explains why the University Neighborhood Preservation Association calls for Euclid Avenue to be a "Complete Street." Meaning that it is a "safe and attractive corridor for all users including bicyclists, vehicles, and pedestrians." Also, as a selling point from the perspective of SUNY ESF (the largest school in the country dedicated to the study of the environment), Syracuse University, and the City of Syracuse, this vision clearly would be more attractive to future residents and students than the present unsafe conditions for both bicyclists and pedestrians. With a strong push to create bike lanes throughout Syracuse, it only makes sense to have them where the most bicyclists are found.

Please help us improve safety on Euclid Avenue by signing this petition. If you are a student, faculty, or staff member at SU or ESF or if you live on Euclid Avenue, please note this in the comments section. We'd also like to hear about your experiences biking or walking on Euclid.

This petition will be presented to decision makers in Syracuse, Syracuse University, and SUNY-ESF to start a conversation about how to improve safety on Euclid Avenue for cyclists, drivers and pedestrians.


Euclid Avenue Bicycle Safety Committee


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