Cancel Extreme Couponing
Everyone enjoys getting great deals at stores especially if the product is free, right? To achieve this, most likely coupons are being used. We all are beginning couponers at some point and know how frustrating it can be. It can also be confusing, but, in the end, it can become addictive!! A lot of us have a stockpile that can help our families in times of need. On the other hand, some couponers rack up a stockpile with much more products than needed. This is done by some extreme couponers.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Extreme couponers are shown hard at work on TLC’s new show “Extreme Couponing.” TLC’s description of their show is, “Enter the world of bargain shoppers who have mastered the art of saving! In Extreme Couponing, meet the everyday people who save hundreds of dollars in a single trip to the store.” This may be the case, but, among the regular couponer, this show hasn’t done any justice for coupon usage and should be pulled from TV.
There are many reasons why this show should be yanked! To start, the show should get one positive point. The ladies on the show motivate new couponers to get started on saving. On that point, they should have started small and then built up to the extremers! Couponing can be extremely overwhelming to people. Keeping up with store policies and stores rewards programs is hard enough. Furthermore, in the first aired episode, one of the women clearly AND knowingly committed coupon fraud. She was going to a website, inputting the UPC from a coupon, and coming up with OTHER products (that the coupon WAS NOT intended ) and using those coupons on those found products knowing they wouldn’t beep at the registers. She is now being investigated. On another show, ladies purchased loads of regular Purex laundry detergent using a $3 off Purex with Zout detergent. This is considered fraud as well. Why would TLC want to air this? This is NOT the way beginners should be taught, and, putting thoughts into the minds of experienced couponers. Moving along, stores have always been picky about coupons, but since this showed aired, it has gotten so much worse. A lot of stores have changed their coupon policies, and/or, limited taking coupons all together. Many companies are nice enough to issue internet printed coupons, but stores are now refusing to take them. Here is an example of this point, “WELL, tried to redeem my free Lipton Iced Tea coupon this morning at 3 different places, all of which declined them, stating their policy of not accepting internet printed coupons for free items. Nice idea to share free tea, but most retailers now have policies to not accept IP coupons for "free" items. Thanks anyway :/” –Brenda H. And, to find a cashier who is excited to see a couponer enter their grocery line, give me a break!! Couponers know the “Oh no, here is a couponer” look from many cashiers and the treatment we get like we are criminals getting away with stealing. This show is so unrealistic, it isn’t even funny. Another frustration is the showing of shelf clearers! It is NOT realistic for someone to pick up an entire display of items and dump them in their cart. It is NOT realistic for someone to purchase 1200 boxes of Cereal. Crying when the register breaks down just to look good on TV? Come on! You knew it would happen! Furthermore, no one needs 400 sticks of deodorant for a family of 2. They do expire so why not share with people in need? Also, why do you show people to go steal newspapers from foreclosed houses? Yes, people probably do not live there, but it is still considered stealing.
TLC needed to take a couponing class before airing such nonsense. Fraud, stealing, shelf clearing, and unnecessary hoarding has made saving money via coupons much more difficult for people who want to be honest and respectful. We need to get this show off the air before it does more damage and we will no longer be allowed to use coupons.