Fair treatment of Aberdeen fans by club stewards and police at Pittodrie

The time has come for Aberdeen supporters of all ages and groups to
join together and voice our displeasure at the treatment we receive
while trying to support our club at Pittodrie. There seems to be one
rule for the Old Firm fans and another for us, each and every single
game against either Rangers or Celtic highlights this issue for all to
see yet nothing changes!!
Well now is the time to stand up and be
counted, let’s join together and let our club know that we won't be
treated like dirt anymore and that we are the lifeblood of this club!
sign the petition so we can get enough signatures to present to the
club and hopefully open some dialogue regarding how we can improve the
current situation at Pittodrie. The more people that sign the better
chance the club will listening to us and becoming open to our aims of
fairer treatment by the Stewards/Police, a designated singing/display
section and affordable prices for all ages in all stands.