Fairness and Equality in Job Applications Petition

Hello Fellow Americans. I am unemployed, like many, many other Americans right now. If you have filled out an application for a job recently you have noticed that many of them have questionaires at the end of them. These questionaires usually consist of fifty or so to one hundred questions. Failing to answer these questions bars the applicant from being considered for employment. With outsourcing and cutbacks rampant today the job seeker can ill afford any such further bars to getting a job.
Often times these questionaires are aimed at assessing the applicant's level of job skill before the employer considers him or her for hiring. In essense the employer is seeking to hire only the most skilled applicants there by avoiding the process of training that employers would normally spend on new hirees. Essentially they are expecting us to 'bake bricks without straw'.
From time to time the questionaires include a mixture of personal opinion questions concerning the applicant's personal feelings toward the prospective place of employment. These questions have nothing what so ever to do with job proficiency or skill or work history and amount essentially to a session of corporate ego stroking. The questions are said to have 'no right or wrong answer' but in fact they do. Choosing the wrong answer causes the applicant to be overlooked for potential employment.
I propose to petition Congress to have these unfair and unnecessary questionaires removed from job applications making it easier for the jobless to find employment and self betterment. The companies that use these questionaires have enough money that they can afford to spare some of it to train raw new recruits. We as unemployed Americans cannot afford to stay unemployed.
Please sign today. Thank you.