Save the Farms-Prides Train Stops!

We the undersigned request that the MBTA continue commuter rail service at the Beverly Farms and Prides Crossing stations. Residents of these two neighborhoods have enjoyed service from these stations for over 160 years and to discontinue service would impose a significant inconvenience on those individuals affected. For decades, the citizens of the Commonwealth have endured MBTA pension, benefit and patronage scandals and a legislature unwilling to enact meaningful transportation reform to end abuses at the agency and provide a more efficient transportation system. With a more efficient transportation system in place, the budget gaps faced by the MBTA might have been avoided and these service cuts would not be necessary. We the people of Beverly Farms and Prides Crossing do not feel we should be punished because of the long-standing mismanagement of transportation in this state. Additionally, we demand an accurate and full accounting of the estimated cost saving that these service cuts will create. It is difficult to understand how eliminating two short stops (one of which already has limited service) would create a cost savings that justifies the inconvenience which would be thrust on these communities and end a tradition of rail service that dates back to the earliest days of train service in Boston and the North Shore. Respectfully, The residents and commuters of the Beverly Farms and Pride's Crossing neighborhoods.