Request FBI To Investigate Indy Police Brutality On Yongping Zhou

April 10, 2008
Robert Mueller
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001; tele: (202) 324-3000
Michael Welch
Special Agent in Charge of Indianapolis Division of Federal Bureau of Investigation
575 North Pennsylvania Street, Room 679
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Phone: (317) 639-3301 Fax: (317) 321-6193
Re: Mr. Yongping Zhou's suffering from hate crime/police brutality event happened on the 4th floor Indianapolis City County Building; Indy government still did not release the surveillance tape which Mr. Zhou filed his Complaint to request for 3 years, which Indy government denied its receiving (lies) of Mr. Zhou's Complaint to reply the Federal Court's subpoena, however the agreed recorded phone-calling exposed such lie.
Dear FBI Director Robert Mueller and FBI Indianapolis Special Agent Michael Welch:
I am writing to you to request you and FBI to investigate the hate crime/police brutality event upon Mr. Yongping Zhou on May 18, 2005, which happened on the 4th floor of Indianapolis Marion County-City County Building. Policeman Patrick Belanger attacked Mr. Zhou from his back. Later Belanger hold Mr. Zhou's hair to punch Mr. Zhou's head on the floor ground to injure his head brutally with bloods, see Mr. Zhou's injure photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25741853@N07/saved=1
However Belanger maliciously falsified his Probable Cause Affidavit under oath with his lies to wrongfully charge Mr. Zhou for 5 falsified criminal charges. Indianapolis government hid the surveillance tape to assist the policeman Belanger to cover up this police brutality event,assisted Belanger to wrongful prosecute Mr. Zhou with Belanger for 3 years; Belanger lied under his oath that after he cuffed Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou ripped off the handcuffs and jumped on Belanger to beat Belanger... such crazy lies could be judged as perjury by anyone with common sense; however Indianapolis government used Belanger such crazy perjury to wrongful prosecute Mr. Zhou for 3 years.
On June 10, 2005, Mr. Zhou faxed to Indianapolis City ( Marion County ) mayor Bart Peterson to complain that he ( Mr. Zhou) was beaten bloody by policeman Belanger and requested mayor Peterson to release the relevant surveillance tape.Indy government hid the surveillance tape for 3 years since then.
The Indianapolis city-county government had hidden Mr. Zhou's injured medical records for over two years from May 18, 2005 until June 2007; no matter how Mr. Zhou requested it before the trial. After Mr. Zhou defeated the trial, Indianapolis city-county government released only partial of his medical record of May 19, 2005, still hid his medical record of May 18, 2005 until today.
During the trial of April 18, 2007, Mr. Zhou was deprived of his due process right of being represented by an attorney, he was forced to pro se the jury trial without a lawyer and without an interpreter, Mr. Zhou defeated Belanger and Indiana prosecutor, who assisted Belanger to falsify these criminal charges upon Mr. Zhou. In this trial, Mr. Zhou used the transcript of Belanger's March 6, 2007 deposition to cross-examine Belanger, made Belanger deny his own testimonies in that deposition's transcript. Self-denial of one's own testimonies under oath is sheer perjury and contempt. Belanger's perjury of self-denial was caught in front of all 6 white jurors during this trial; however, Indiana prosecutor continued to use Belanger's perjury to go on the trial. The trial lasted from 8AM until next day's early morning around 1AM. Indiana jury had found that Mr. Zhou was not guilty for what Belanger falsified felonies charges based on Belanger's falsified Probable Cause Affidavit and his falsified testimonies during the trial.
Under the Indiana University law school professor's legal advice, who is Caucasian, Mr. Zhou asked the prosecutor to drop the whole case which was based on Belanger's perjury, to stop the prosecutor's legal extortion: the prosecutor maliciously requested Mr. Zhou to withdraw his human right lawsuit in United State Southern District Court, cause No. 07-cv-0633 in exchange that the prosecutor will drop what Belanger falsified criminal charges upon Mr. Zhou. At meantime, Indian prosecutor and Indianapolis government hid the surveillance tape to cover up the truth that Belanger assaulted and beat Mr. Zhou from Mr. Zhou's back.
In United States, Constitution protects everyone's civil rights in this land from being abused and beaten. In Federal Bureau of Investigation's website, it instructs how to report the hate crime to FBI and its local field office: http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/civilrights/hate.htm
Any wrongful prosecution upon the innocent people must be investigated and punished; FBI website listed the civil right statutes for FBI to prosecute the criminals who had harmed Mr. Zhou's human right: http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/civilrights/statutes.htm.
With my signature, I appeal to you to investigate this Indianapolis police brutality event/hate crime event. Asian and Chinese community are appeal you and FBI to investigate this hate crime/police brutality event upon Mr. Yongping Zhou on the 4th floor of Indianapolis Marion County-City County Building on May 18, 2005.
Notice: Mr.Yongping Zhou got to know on April 24, 2008 that he had successfully defeated the whole Belanger's falsified criminal case on him, Indiana State prosecutor decided to drop the whole case. ( actually, Mr. Zhou had won the jury trial without a lawyer on April 18, 2007, jurors found he was not guilty for Belanger's falsified two felonies.) The whole case was falsified by Belanger's wilful false testimonies. It should never happened, but it had harmed Mr. Zhou's innocent life for 3 years. In US Indiana Southern District Court with cause No. 07-cv-0633 of his human right abusing case, Mr. Zhou filed to clarify with the federal judge that he has the cassette evidence to prove that Indianapolis mayor Bart Peterson and his lawyer lied to response the subpoenas to cover up in violation of law and Federal Civil Rules and contempt, the judge has not ruled to hear this evidences since January 25, 2008, Mr. Zhou is waiting to present this evidence to the federal court for more than 3 months.
2nd Notice: On August 1, 2008, in US Indiana Southern District Court with cause No. 07-cv-0633 of Mr. Zhou's human right abusing case, Mr. Zhou pro se defeated defendant policeman Belanger's Summary Judgment, for whom Indianapolis government appointed 5 attorneys to represent him. Belanger's 5 appointed lawyers attempted to ask the judge to dismiss Mr. Zhou civil human right case by using Belanger newly falsified affidavit to file Summary Judgment before the discovery is done and when Indianapolis government was hiding the surveillance video tape of the crime scene of the 4th floor of Indianapolis City County Building where Belanger beat Mr. Zhou. On August 1, 2008, the District court judge granted Mr. Zhou's pro se Response, Zhou's Complaint is going to the trial; defendant Belanger's 5 Indianapolis government appointed lawyers failed for their attempt to dismiss Mr. Zhou's human right lawsuit based on their falsified Summary Judgment.
To all supporters, please write your comment in the comment section to request FBI to investigate. Currently, FBI ignored although Mr. Zhou had personally went to FBI field office to report his hate crime/human right abusing event to the top agent and its chief director. If there is justice in USA and if USA is a real democracy country, FBI must take its investigation as FBI's website indicates its duties to investigate the hate crime case and human right abusing case; in Mr. Zhou's event, it has both elements.