Get Feeder to give us a new song & to release a CD for Tracing Lines!

We\'ve all seen the news about Feeder doing a first for them and releasing a single as a digital download only with no totally new tracks. For more details, click this link http://www.feederweb.com/releases.php Well, this is just not good enough! We, the undersigned, DEMAND a physical release of some sort and it MUST include a new track of some sort! We don\'t mind if it\'s just a CD or if it\'s a limited edition, we just want something in our hands. Something which we can hold, smell, touch and generally love in the same way we\'ve done for the past 27 singles. Yes, we may be materialistic but music is better enjoyed from a CD or vinyl rather than a soulless download, especially if that\'s the only option. We also need something new ... something to whet our appetite for all things Feeder. Yes, quite a few of us would like to hear instrumental versions or demo versions or things like that, but there is simply no subsitute for a brand new shiny track that none of us have heard before. So, keep the alternative versions in the bundle BUT give us a NEW track too! So, if you\'re like us and want all that\'s described above ... sign up and help us get : 1. At least 1 new song as a b-side (not an alternate version, but we\'ll have those too please!) 2. Another Feeder CD to add to our collections! In that order ... but preferably both, if possible!