We, the undersigned, petition the Council of the City of Fernie and the Canadian Pacific Railway to remedy the noise pollution problem caused by the damaging sound levels of the train horn when passing through the three at-grade railroad crossings located in Fernie, British Columbia, by restricting the use of train whistles within City limits and by installing modern warning and access-control measures. To residents living near those crossings, the noise caused by the train whistles at all hours of the day and night is negatively impacting our right to the quiet enjoyment of our home; creating an environment that is detrimental to both health and well-being. Our children cannot get the appropriate rest and sleep they need for their growth and development because of the persistent train whistles throughout the night. To business owners, visitors, and stakeholders in the Historic Downtown, the noise caused by the train whistles is a continuing interference with the use and enjoyment of the Historic Downtown, and poses a significant health hazard to anyone walking, shopping, eating or otherwise being in the Historic Downtown. The Canadian Pacific Railway’s stated policy is to sound the train whistle over a distance of approximately one quarter of a mile at every level crossing in the City of Fernie, day or night. We believe that the use of an injuriously loud train whistle as the means of warning of an oncoming train and controlling crossings is injurious to our health, our local economy, and is also ineffective. There exist many modern ways to warn individuals of an oncoming train, and there are accepted modern ways of controlling access to a railway right-of-way that do not require excessively loud, injurious train whistles.