Financial District Against NYC Dept of Probation Move to Residential FiDi

The New York City Department of Probation, part of the Criminal Court, reportedly is being moved to 66 John Street, in a section of the Financial District now heavily populated with residents including young children. According to NYC Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway, this facility is "where people with actual criminal records go every day."
This move was registered without a single ounce of community notice or input. At the very least, we should be given more information about the move and its impact on our immediate neighborhood.
The NYC DOP provides services and investigations for more than 30,000 adults and 15,000 juveniles per year, and supervises approximately 24,000 adults and 2,000 juveniles on any given day, according to information linked to the DOP's website. Yet the 66 John St location is across the street from a pre-school and a college dorm, and it is surrounded by multiple large residential buildings. During working hours, there is already heavy traffic and little parking on the narrow streets surrounding this location. This does not seem like a sensible move, either for the DOP's operations or our FiDi community.
Please help tell our elected officials the Financial District Community says "NO" to the relocation of the NYC DOP to our residential neighborhood.
Please show your concern and support at the upcoming Community Board 1 Financial District Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 6 at 6:00 PM at 250 Broadway, 19th Floor (New York State Assembly Hearing Room).