Fire Attorney General Eric Holder
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Holder’S Department of Justice Failed Americans
by Failing to Bring Terrorists to Proper Justice
Holder’S Department of Justice Failed Americans
by Failing to Bring Terrorists to Proper Justice
The recent acquittal of the terrorist Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani on all but one small conspiracy charge is a complete and utter failure of Eric Holder’s Department of Justice.
Eric Holder, according to President Obama’s policies, insisted on holding this GITMO terrorist’s trial in civilian court, assuring the American people that they could obtain a conviction and serve justice. But by holding the trial in civilian court instead of by military tribunal, the federal prosecutors made their own star witness unusable.
As a result of coming to civilian trial with a weaker case than they could have, Holder’s department showed negligence and lost the case on 224 murder charges and only succeeding in getting one minor conviction for conspiracy.
The Justice Department is already claiming that despite failing on 224 counts, their case was still a success because of the one conspiracy charge. Obama and Holder hope to use this as justification for bringing more terrorists to US soil from GITMO and having them tried in civilian courts, despite the fact that in those cases, even more evidence will be inadmissible and therefore worthless.
More terrorists will go free, or receive lesser sentences.
As Americans we cannot stand for this. When we are attacked, we demand that our enemies be brought to justice and suffer the full weight that their acts of terror warrant. Anything less is unacceptable!
We therefore demand that President Obama immediately dismiss Eric Holder from his position as United States Attorney General and appoint a proper Attorney General who will use the military system NOT civil courts, and succeed where Eric Holder has failed.
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