For the Adoption Authority of Ireland to send dossiers to India for Irish prospective adoptive parents as per US and Mexico model
Colette L'Hostis 0

For the Adoption Authority of Ireland to send dossiers to India for Irish prospective adoptive parents as per US and Mexico model

963 signers. Add your name now!
Colette L'Hostis 0 Comments
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And for the Minister for children and youth affairs to resolve the issue of expiring declarations as a matter of urgency.

We the undersigned support a significant number of prospective adoptive parents (PAPs) pursuing an adoption from India .

These Parents wish to effect entirely ethical adoptions, which are in the best interests of the children involved, and with full respect for his or her fundamental rights at every stage of the process

We call on the Adoption Authority of Ireland (AAI) and the Minister, as a matter of urgency, to:

-Transmit dossiers to India as per the US, Mexico and others models.(CARA has been accepting relevant categories all along and was accepting “normal” categories when it re-opened in January 2012 and invited the AAI to send dossiers)

The latest dossier the AAI sent to Mexico was as recent as week ending 23/05/14 and yet they continue to state that they will not send dossiers to India because it is not "best practice".

-Extend the expiry dates of current declarations

The current duration of Declarations and Extensions is insufficient to effect and adoption. This issue needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

- Complete the full accreditation of an agency in Ireland for India. This has already taken too long. Other EU jurisdictions had all this work done prior to Hague being finalised.

About 20 million children were orphans in India in 2011 with the figure likely to rise to 24m by 2021.

( Hindustan Times, July 26, 2011)

With the co-operation of India, the AAI and the Minister should do their part in helping Irish families who are willing to adopt these children.

We call on the Minister and the Adoption Authority of Ireland to find a resolution to resolve these issues before time runs out for the families involved in this process

We are concerned that the length of time it is taking the authorities (since 2010) to establish a working relationship with India will result, as it already has for many of us, in prospective adoptive parents reaching the Indian authorities’ age limits.

This would mean having invested up to 10 years of emotions, admin work, legal fees, HSE social workers assessments and home studies for nothing.

No child will benefit from it and a considerable amount of public resources would have been wasted.


The Ireland-India support group always has and intends to continue to operate within the law and it is NOT the purpose of the group to provide any advice or information to PAPs on how to adopt from India

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