This is a photo journey of Marley the Nowzad Animal Rescue, who came into my life in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was roughly 6-7 weeks old when I rescued him off the streets of Kabul.
However, he is now the victim of a VERY overzealous Animal Control Agency. Marley is a lab/shepard mix that has been trained to be protective and my children were playing cops and robbers. My oldest is 15 was wearing a mask with a toy gun chasing my 5yr old and wrestling him on the ground. Marley took this as a legitimate threat and went protection mode and nipped my 15yr old son. As a result, a nosy neighbor called Animal Control who now want him euthanized... My family and I are FIGHTING for his life to STOP this horrendous miscarriage of "Justice" and a long line of Black Booted tactics by the Bay County, Florida Animal Control Agency.
With YOUR help we can save Marley and hundreds of other Dogs that have fallen into this travesty of Government Overreach into Personal Property rights and protect our family pets from out of control government agencies!