Pardon Keith Henson Now

The petition to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was turned in to the California Capitol on July 6, 2007 in the hope that a pardon or commutation of sentence can be granted to Keith Henson, currently in jail in Riverside County. Mr. Henson is in jail for a non-threatenng, one-line rejoinder to a joke about a \"Tom Cruise\" missile, together with \"evidence\" in the form of a book that said he was an \"explosive expert,\" a patent he had to fling payloads into space using a large plane (that supposedly proved he knew how to launch missiles at the planet), and testimony about the \"fear\" of his \"victims,\" who in fact are victims of $cientology, not of Keith Henson. They were told of his \"threats\" by Golden Era Productions facilities manager Kenneth Hoden, with whom he was shown talking as he peacefully picketed--Keith\'s actual \"crime.\" As of this date, July 8, 2007, he has \"served\" 2 months of a 6-month sentence for supposedly interfering with the rights of $cientologists to practice their \"religion\"--in reality by picketing the razor-wire compound where they are held as slaves.