Please Help to Free My Parents

My parents have been taken away by state police in China on 8th June. Now their files are with Persecutor's Office which is just one step away from being sentenced. They were taken away for their belief of Falun Dafa. The core of Falun Dafa is the values of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. For more informaion, please visit www.faluninfo.net Our lawyers have been messed around when they tried to meet my parents. But finally they managed to meet my parents. It is confirmed that both my parents have been mistreated and my father's head was injuried I will need the British government and the United Nations to start the dialogue with Chinese authority to ensure the safety of my parents and legal procedures are respected. This petition will be sent to them to support my request. Your support is very much appreciated. Nathalie (Hong) p.s.I am also linking another petition on Downing Street No.10 site. p.s. Please skip the charity donation part after signing the petition.