Liberez Solouki - Free Solouki

Statement - June 15th, 2007 Revised - August 18, 2007 Updated - October 14, 2007 Corrected - November 4, 2007 Updated - November 17, 2007 Petition closed - January 18, 2008 Additional information available here: http://www.freesolouki.org/ Mehrnoushe Solouki, the independant filmmaker who was arrested in Tehran on 19 February 2007, retained in Tehran for almost a year and accused of \"intent of propaganda\" has been freed. She has been authorized to leave Iran and left Tehran by plane on Friday January 18, 2008. Thank you for your support and signatures, your effort has been rewarded with the freedom of a woman. -Denis McCready =============================IMPORTANT============================ The next page will ask for a donation, but it is to support this service \"ipetitions\", and not my friend\'s cause. This is NOT MANDATORY, only if you wish to help \"ipetitions\". =============================IMPORTANT============================