Free Xu Na Lib
English text (French text below) Xu Na is in custody in Beijing because she is a practitioner of Falun Gong. Her husband Yu Zhou, a singer and musician in Beijing has been killed by the police in January. Na is a painter, a very sensible woman, now aged 40 years old. We ask the Chinese Government to free her and leave all people in China to believe in what they want whether it is religion or other ideas. We want Na free because she didn\'t do anything against the law and she has just express her own opinions about life and just practiced the religion she believes in. More, Na has to be freed immediately and without any conditions. We ask Na not be tortured or mistreated. Her jail conditions have to be ameliorated. Na has the right to receive the visit of her next of kin. And we ask you to provide the services of a lawyer to Na because as China is a law system it doesn\'t suffer any exception to the Habeas Corpus principle. Probably Na needs some medical care: it is obvious taking into account the bad conditions of her detention, so please provide her with the necessary medical care. We think that Na is a prisoner of opinion so we urge the Chinese Government to include her case in the multilateral discussions related to the respect of human rights in China. Chines authorities must provide more information about the real status and detaining condition of Xu Na. Texte fran