Further Fund MYServices/Al-Nisa Youth Group

The Muslim Youth Services (MYServices) division of Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc. was established in April 2007 to undertake the pilot Muslim Youth and Community Development Project (formerly known as the Muslim Youth Workers Project). The Project is funded by the Department of Communities, under the Queensland Government's Muslim Community Engagement Strategy, initiated by the National Action Plan 2005. The primary objectives of the Muslim Youth and Community Development Project are, to assist young Muslims in the Greater Brisbane Region to feel accepted and valued as part of the Australian community; to build the capacity of the current system to create and deliver more effective responses to the specific needs of young Muslims; to reduce the barriers of inclusion and engagement of Muslim youth in the social life of the Queensland community; and to promote a wider sense of acceptance and understanding in the broader community. MYServices, as the only Muslim youth Service in the region, has been instrumental in helping the very multicultural Muslim youth of the Greater Brisbane Region to access, integrate and participate within the wider community. It is our belief that MYServices has opened doors for Muslim youth that would have otherwise remained closed. Al-Nisa and MYServices have started the process of assisting young Australian Muslims to feel included in society and become an asset to the wider community, and as such, we look forward to continuing to support this process. Given the pilot Project's achievements in the short time it has been in operation, we, the under-signed, believe that it is only the surface that has been scratched, and there is still a lot, that only a Service with a proven track record that MYServices boasts, can continue to achieve. Therefore, we, the under-signed believe that Al-Nisa Youth Group Inc. be further funded to allow the great work of MYServices to continue.