Let Cedar Fair Know They Mishandled Geauga Lake
signers. Add your name now!

signers. Almost there! Add your voice!

Cedar Fair, it is time that the public speak out, and say just how they feel about your handling of Geauga Lake. We are extremely disappointed in how Geauga Lake was handled by Cedar Fair during its short life. When Cedar Fair purchased the park from Six Flags in 2004, they promised everyone that the park would be turned around and brought up to Cedar Fair standards. With the recent announcement of the park
Patrons Seeking \"FUN\"
http://www.geaugalake.com - This is Geauga Lake\'s main site which is in no way affiliated with this petition. The site shows their intent to abolish Geauga Lake.
http://www.geaugalaketoday.com - A community of Geauga Lake fans discussing what you can do to support the cause.