Call for a motion of no confidence in Tony Ball, Head of Basildon Council 2

Tony Ball's irrational and persistent behaviour towards the situation at Dale Farm will cost the tax payer at least £18 million. Basildon has seen huge cuts in services for the disabled and to benefits affecting the elderly and the young as well as the selling off of local park lands including Gloucester Park, the oldest and largest park in Basildon . This burden on the taxpayer and the loss of public services and amenity could have been avoided if Mr Ball had chosen to pursue a more cost effective and humanitarian route such as the offer by the Homes and Communities Agency to provide ‘land and investment’ to resettle the Dale Farm residents. Mr Ball's chosen route will undoubtedly have a long term negative impact on public services in Basildon, a situation that will affect all residents in the area. Mr Ball appears to be either unable or unwilling to accept this. Consequently, we the undersigned request that members of Basildon Council table a motion of no confidence in Mr Ball.