Boycott Universal's Halloween II

Moustapha Akkad's name appeared at
the beginning of every Halloween film. This was a credit he deserved for being
the man who believed in John Carpenter's vision and gave him the means to bring
it to life as he wanted to. He financed the film and gave the director complete
creative control - that's how the greatest horror movie of all time was made.
And it was Moustapha who, more than anyone, kept the series alive, even through
the times it looked like it was finished. It was not only the credit he
deserved, contractually stipulated, but also a tradition.
Someone at Universal thought it would be okay to remove that
credit and replace it with the Universal / MGM name!! They edited the film
without notification and deprived the key figure of his well-earned legacy.
They did it so poorly that they didn't even bother to match the font or make it
look like the same film.
It would be bad etiquette to do this to any filmmaker, be it a director, a
producer, even a gaffer. These people MADE THE MOVIE. When you remove the
credit of a man who kept a series alive, a man who was murdered six years ago,
it's repulsive.
We would like to know why they thought this change was okay. And we want to
know what they're going to do about it.
These Blu-rays should be recalled, and this needs to be made right. Until this
is done, we intend to boycott this release and all future Universal products.
Share this page with fellow fans. Write to Universal. E-mail them.
We the undersigned petition and demand that Universal does the right thing and give Moustapha Akkad his rightful credit, the one he has had on every Halloween, going back almost 35 years.
It's not too late to fix this, and we're grateful for your support!