HBOS Mortgage Fraud must be exposed & stopped

Bank of Scotland have issued a fraudulent 'Mortgage possession claim' against our family home as a vexatious attempt to distract us from continuing to expose their huge involvement in misappropriating a quarter BILLION USD of funds in the 'Vavasseur' scandal. The Watson's have never had any Mortgage from BoS, only a 'Term Loan' facility stipulating "business investment" where the moneys were never drawn by us. Despite this, BoS have falsified a Claim in the County Court which has been 'stayed' pending a High Court action for FRAUD against them. A recent Application to strike out this false "Mortgage possession claim" was wrongly dismissed by the Court due to corruption in the System, despite their being no evidence of any Mortgage ! The party hasn't begun yet: soon the Judge will be asked to give his reasons for ignoring the evidence put before him (and acting with bias, even awarding 'costs' to Bos despite them not filing any request for them). HBOS defrauded the Watson's and some 400 others between 2001 and 2003. They granted huge loans (on money that does not exist) to at least 80 borrowers, many who have now lost their homes as this amoral hyena Bank swallowed them up whole. They ran a conveyer belt system using fraudster accounts (now jailed, as they took the 'hit') to issue 'Statements of means' and 'Letters of Undertaking' which were falsified to push through their criminal set up & accelerate their fund-raising efforts for their Fraudulent Scheme. HBOS abused their power over the crime-dependent FSA to allow them to moneylaunder everyone's moneys via offshore 'collecting' accounts, and then stole the money to use it as collateral to underwrite Bond issues (derivatives). All steered by James Crosby, who soon after joined the FSA as a Director running their "Watchdog" committee. And this, ladies & gentlemen, is how HBOS blew up the "credit bubble" beyond £260 Billion of alleged "toxic debt": a euphemism for 'fraud'. Paul Moore (whistleblower & ex-head of Risk Management at the BoS) saw the effects of this from within the Bank and tried to restrain James Crosby the CEO of BoS from putting everyone's capital 'at risk'. Yet arrogant Crosby sacked Moore, and later paid him over £750k to "keep stum". But Moore's ego was bruised, and his evidence directly links into the notorious USA Vavasseur Fraud (misnamed 'Dobb White' fraud to help cover the Bank's tracks). About half or more of the $250m funds were raised through delinquent loans & mortgages from HBOS' group ! Liz Watson has spent over 6 years investigating what happened to our money and now has the full picture, but despite massive hard evidence, is being blocked by the "Authorities" on every side from them investigating HBOS and bringing them to book. Liz has set up "One Voice action group" to help victims of this Fraud in a proposed Class action to be launched soon. So the fight for Justice continues, as the intensity increases and now the tide is ready to turn. Ironically, the FSA can not investigate the Vavasseur fraud, because they themselves were complicit: in late 2002 the FSA gave creditors moneys (held in "Trust" in the offshore accounts) away to the American government: Dept of Justice ! Then a huge COVER UP began ! The FSA even resorted to forging a 'liquidation order' against Dobb White, yet no judgment for this and no documentation exists within the High Court where it was purportedly obtained. Can corruption get any worse than this? Please pledge your support to stop the 'bleeding' being caused by the criminal acts of HBOS right away. We need your help to show the Court that this criminal "bank" can not be allowed to continue to trade. It is a Public Liability and must be stopped and ordered to repay and compensate all its thousands of victims, worldwide. thank you for reading this. Liz Watson Founder - ONE VOICE ACTION GROUP www.one-voice-action-group.com