HCPC this time you got it wrong!
Annelies van Wamel 0

HCPC this time you got it wrong!

Annelies van Wamel 0 Comments
2002 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

A London paramedic with a 30yr unblemished career was recently sacked and suspended for being too tired to attend yet another call at the end of his grueling night shift. Had he continued and made a mistake he would have been punished for that. He was in a no-win situation and made the technical mistake of not reporting himself 'ill' at the time (probably because in his sense of duty he wasn't ill, he was 'just' exhausted).

The HCPC is there to protect the public against malpractice. That is good. However, the HCPC did not realize and/or recognize that this paramedic was not the problem; it was his employer who disregarded staff welfare in its pursuit of targets. The blatant lack of support for a senior member of operational staff is an indication of the real problem and should be taken into account.

We ask the HCPC to reconsider its decision and to look deeper into the dynamics of this incident. This was not a 'bad' paramedic. This was and probably is a dedicated clinician who was broken by a system disregarding the real problem, hiding behind politically correct targets. This paramedic is not alone in his position; there but for the grace of God go we, all paramedics in this country!

Edmond Daly may not wish to return to practice - who can blame him? But his name should be cleared of any malpractice. He deserves better at the end of his career than this indictment.

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