Today the Food, Environmental and Health Department came and asked us to remove every piece of wood in the back alley or face "serious consequences". We at teakha have had enough.
For three years our team has worked hard to turn this public space intoa greener and more beautiful place where the community can come together towork and socialise. However, following continued persecution by a certain crazy dog-walking lady and the FEHD, we were no longer permitted to use table and chairs, followed by proper crockery and now, not even naturally occurring elements like a tree stump.
All this is happening whilst cars and garbage can be found parked and scattered throughout the adjacent alley and a cha chaan tang round the corner is serving lunch to at least 50 people out on the streets.
Hong Kong Government, do you not have the intellect to use your time wisely in pursuant of more meaningful causes?
My friends, we are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused but we would encourage youto support us in our campaign to make better use of public space in Hong Kongby engaging in creative use of this back alley in whatever way you can. We may not be able to provide you with any materials to sit on, but please do not let that stop you from BRINGING YOUR OWN MAT AND YOUR OWN TUMBLER to enjoy the beautiful outdoor space behind teakha that is part of this amazing community.
In addition, please help us by SIGNING THIS PETITION for better use of outdoor space which we hope to submit to the government when we gather enough signatures.