change the new childsupport laws

The new laws for child support from July 08 are even more unfair. CS are rude and discrimnating . In some cases they are all for the payer. What about the payee The 2nd family should not be vicitmised. The govt need to look at each case indivually not over all. Some of the paid parents are actually taking advantage and labelling paying parents as scum, not all of us are doing the wrong thing! Most of us are paying but have NO acess to our own children! One of the new many laws bought in was that a 3rd party can now claim for your child from both parents. If this is out of a dangerous environment from their home I fully agree, but not when the child is abusing this need to their advantage. Having a 2nd family just makes cs more determine to attack you for moving on in life. All we want is to be able to pay our own expenses as well, and look after 2 families , too do that we need an equal amount. The new rate of payment is to extreme. Also they now can come after paying parents partners income as it classed as a houseable income. This is not fair. What about the the paid parents partner's income Action needs taking now!