Please only allow native titles in the Humble Indie Bundle.

Linux users have been supporting the Humble Indie Bundle from the beginning and a relation of mutual trust has grown between the people behind the Bundle and the Linux community. Unfortunately, I feel this trust has been violated by the inclusion of a non-native Linux game in the latest Bundle. This is not merely a complaint about one game included in one Bundle, in this case Limbo. It sets a horrible precedent for the future, encouraging developers to merely put out unoptimized Windows binaries of their games running through a WINE or similar layer merely to con Linux users out of their money. We can not allow this to happen, not to the Humble Indie Bundle. With all of this said, we do not want to boycott the Bundle as many of the developers involved are still very much deserving of our money, as are many of the charities, and even the Bundle guys themselves are still making an effort. But we can not let this go without at least getting our point across. So we implore: 1. Linux users to sign this petition. Guarantee that the integrity of the Bundle remains and that you get a fair deal for your money. 2. Mac users to sign this petition. The threat of non-native binaries applies to you just as much as to Linux users. 3. Windows users to sign this petition. Ports often lead to optimizations and fixes, making your gaming experience better. 4. Other developers to sign this petition. After all of the effort some of you have put into your native porting, it is just as much a slap in the face to you. Also remember that you have a choice as to how your money is distributed - if you feel you have not gotten a fair deal from Limbo, please make sure your money is divided as you feel is right. This is not meant as an outright attack or a smear on the Bundle itself. It is a merely a reflection of our desire to see the high standards that the Bundles have previously adhered to continue. We are doing this because we care. Please accept this in the manner in which it is given.