Hind Mikou: Not without my daughters

Somewhere carved on a stone in the valley of the wise, a timeless sentence reads; "ife we are not judge by what we do for our self but rather what we do to help others." The story of Hind is a real life drama. Hind has not seen or talked to her daughters since July 18th, 2008. Every day we see examples of how people can make the impossible a reality. The story of Hind is an invitation to prove that we can bring down the walls of injustice. Together, we can make those that have turned a deaf ear to Hind listen to her story. We can make those that have close the doors of help to Hind open them again and let her have her basic right. If we get 100,000 signatures we will go to Washington DC and protest on Capitol Hill. Together we can ask the American and Moroccan government to help Hind reunite with her daughters. Make it happen. Please show your support for Hind and sign this petition. We need every one, your contacts, your friends and your family. Please share with all and ask that they add their names to the list. Read full story at http://www.moroccancommunitycenter.net/page47/files/tag-not-without-my-daughters--.html Driss R. Temsamani