Proti homofobicnemu nasilju - Against homophobic violence

PETICIJA PROTI HOMOFOBIČNEMU NASILJU Dva fanta sta ga porinila ob avto. Eden mu je zadal udarec v oko. Vpila sta \"Prekleti pedri!\" in mu s telesa strgala uradno majico letošnje Parade ponosa. Potem sta zbežala. Trije fantje so pritekli po ulici in vpili: \"Ta ima tisto majico! Peder je!\" Zbili so ga na tla in brcali v glavo. \"Prekleti peder,\" so vpili, ko so mu trgali majico s telesa. Nato so tekli naprej. Skupina fantov ju je zbila na tla. Enega od njiju so brcali v glavo, tako da mu je začela teči kri iz nosa. \"Prekleta pedra,\" so ju zmerjali. Potem so stekli stran. Po ljubljanski Paradi ponosa 2008 so neznanci fizično napadli pet gejev. Toliko je bilo prijav napadov na policijo. Ni znano, koliko napadov ni bilo prijavljenih. Homofobično nasilje se stopnjuje. Ne želim živeti v družbi, ki tako sovraži. Obsojam homofobične napade. Obsojam vsakršno nasilje. Prosimo, podpišite peticijo in jo pomagajte širiti. PETITION AGAINST HOMOPHOBIC VIOLENCE Two guys pushed him against the car. One blew a strike in the eye. They yelled \"Fuckin\' faggots!\" and ripped off the official Ljubljana Pride T-shirt. They ran away afterwards. Three men ran down the street, yelling \"He has that shirt. He is a faggot!\" They knocked him on the ground and kicked him in the head. They were shouting \"Fucking faggot\" as they ripped his T-shirt off of him. They ran away. A group of younger men knocked a couple down. They were kicking one of them so he started bleeding from his nose. \"Damned faggots,\" they shouted, and ran away. After the 2008 Ljubljana Gay Pride, strangers have physically assaulted five gay men. This is the number of attacks reported to the Police. It is not known how many were not reported. Homophobic violence is increasing. I do not want to live in a society that hates as much. I condemn homophobic violence, I condemn any violence. Please sign the petition and help us spread it around.