I Support The Irate 8

The ten demands issued to the University strive to create transparency between Senior Administration, students at the University, and the Greater Cincinnati Community. This extensive and thorough 21-page document of research based demands was met with vague university talking points which failed to even acknowledge the specificity of each demand. Although we understand that reform will take time and diligent planning, we remain critical of the lack of concrete timetables,transparent planning, and sense of immediacy in the University’s response.The Irate 8 urges you to support the push for The University of Cincinnati to meet each individual demand, with detailed timelines, and planned outcomes. Signing this petition would serve as as a statement of solidarity with The Irate 8 and our demand for reform at The University of Cincinnati.
I. We demand that the University of Cincinnati immediately restrict Phillip Kidd and David Lindenschmidt from patrolling on or off of campus.
II. We demand that the University of Cincinnati enforces a fully funded comprehensive racial awareness curriculum that is mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and police structured by a caucus comprised of students, community members, and administrators of diverse backgrounds to be put in place by the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.
III. We demand that the University of Cincinnati conducts holistic profiles including extensive background checks, mental evaluations, and accounts of past misbehaviors of all faculty/staff/police hired at the University of Cincinnati, starting immediately.
IV. We demand a recurrent substantial monetary allotment to go to all offices and initiatives that directly support and impact the recruitment, retention, and matriculation of Black students on this campus, starting in the Fiscal Year 2017.
V. We demand that the University of Cincinnati allocate appointed voting student senate seats in Student Government from selected representatives from underrepresented communities (race, sexuality, and gender). Additionally, Student Government must report their composition each year including race, gender, sexual orientation, and other self-identifying information for each faction.
VI. We demand that the University of Cincinnati hire at minimum 16 staff and senior Black faculty over the next 3 years, starting today, October 14th 2015.
VII. We demand the University of Cincinnati doubles the amount of Black students on main campus over the next 3 years, starting today, October 14, 2015.
VIII. We demand that the University of Cincinnati builds a stand alone AACRC or renovates in order for all of 60 W. Charlton to belong to the AACRC by August 1, 2018.
IX. We demand that there exist a SACUB funded student organization devoted to diversity initiatives and programming that promote cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence by the start of the 2017-2018 academic year.
X. We demand that the University of Cincinnati divest from any companies involved in the operation of private prisons and establish a Socially Responsible Investment Committee (or at least adopting a socially responsible investment policy) for all investment transactions by the start of the 2017-2018 Academic Year.