IAD-High School

high school in Delaware is a necessity to help our children stay in the path of deen of Allah
they started with IAD and to support their learning of Islamic morals,
behaviors, and practices based on the noble Qur'an and Sunnah.
Within a non-Islamic high school environment, students are encouraged to develop relationships with the opposite sex and there are non-Islamic events where our children are excluded. Additionally, within the curriculum, students are taught sex-ed, and other classes where the discussions are not in Islamic terms. Where an Islamic high school teaches students all that but according to the Islamic faith. It helps the students to collaborate and discuss sensitive topics with their teachers who can show them the Islamic approach. Islamic high school also eliminates the frustrations of students being excluded from social events and encourages them to interact in other school related events that are competitive and engaging.
Let's unite by signing this petition to open an Islamic high school. It will help protect our adolescents and the parents who fight the peer pressure of the non-Islamic environment in Delaware, inshaAllah.