Ibanez WH10 Replacement Pot Clone Petition

For anyone trying to find an Ibanez WH10 replacement pot then you may by now have discovered, after trying various similar pots and trying to mix and match, that they just don't exist! The original WH10 pot has a custom taper which, along with its own unique filter (as far as wah pedals go), make this pedal sound like no other wah out there and in my opinion it's the best! The reason you can't find another pot with the same taper as a WH10 pot is because the WH10 is the only piece of gear that uses it. For all you would be WH10 restorers the only way for you to find a replacement pot would be if some music electronics company were to clone the taper of the original. Otherwise, these pedals are just going to become more and more scarce until they no longer exist. Why Ibanez won't give us the Ibanez WH10 reissue in a metal case we'll never know but one thing's for sure, I've never found a replacement wah that sounded as good as my WH10! I am very interested to see how many other dead pot WH10 owners there are out there, oblivious to the task that lays ahead, when assuming that finding a replacement pot will be easy. With no positive information on the web about the prospect of repairing the WH10 or any successful repair stories, it seems that the best wah pedal in the world is deemed to become something of the past, I am aware at this point I sound like a save the Chinese Panda campaign, but it would be a great shame! There is however a music electronics company I know of, that have the original pot samples and intend to produce a clone. Unfortunately it's a project that remains on their waiting list. I'm hoping to prove that there is a great demand for an 'Ibanez WH10 Pot Replacement' and that there are loads of people out there willing to purchase them. I'd buy 10 for safe keeping! I hope that if you're one of many people out there who's typed 'Ibanez WH10 replacement pot' into your search engine, then along with the forums of no hope, you have also found the opportunity to leave your signature and comments on this petition. Even if your pedal works now you'll be looking for a new pot sooner or later. If there are enough people out there to sign this petition, then there's a very real and good chance we can keep our precious vintage WH10's going for many more years to come!