Grow a Grass Roots Campaign...Realize Hudson Rise Join prominent neighborhood residents including Laurie Anderson, Lou Reed, James Gandolfini, Jennifer Connelly, Paul Bettany, John Slattery, Talia Balsam, Michael Stipe, Kirsten Dunst, Casey Affleck and others who have voiced their support for Saving our Lower Manhattan neighborhood and working together to create St. John’s Park at Hudson Rise. Hudson Rise is an American Institute of Architecture (AIA) award winning sustainable green community-based plan. It features three ADA accessible plateaus within a new 102,000 square foot landscaped terrain, sheltering new Department of Sanitation facilities below. The Rise at new St. Johns Park, the former terminus of the Highline, would accommodate the majority of Department of Sanitation facilities now on Gansevoort Peninsula at 14th street so that the Hudson River Park could be expanded there. Like the Highline, the design would augment a green matrix on the eastern side of the Route 9A Boulevard Road while creating a 2.5 acre rooftop park above sanitation garages. The proposal which starts at Canal Street opposite Canal Park, also envisions a safe above-grade crossing to the 16-acre Pier 40 recreational facilities at Houston Street, part of the Hudson River Park, to prevent any further pedestrian injuries and deaths. Hudson Rise is estimated to cost $200MM less than the current plan by the City, which is strongly opposed by residents in Hudson Square, Tribeca and Soho and the community boards because of the unfair relocation of all facilities that service Lower Manhattan to 59th Street, and east to Lexington Avenue, which are to be consolidated at Spring and Canal Streets, a neighborhood that already has the worst traffic congestion, 2nd worst air quality, and among the highest asthma rates in the city. Hudson Rise is the embodiment of the Mayor's PlaNYC 2030 to create a more sustainable environment with a public plaza and green space in every community. Let’s make Hudson Rise a reality. Please contact us at: info@realizehudsonrise.org