Impeach Judge Porteous

The United States Constitution affords each and every citizen the right to be served by a fair and impartial court.
The people of Louisiana have been denied that right for far too long because of the corrupt and shameful behavior of U.S. District Judge Thomas Porteous. Good judges matter, and it’s time for the U.S. Senate to remove him from the bench.
It was more than 7 ½ years ago when the mountain of evidence against him was revealed through the FBI’s Wrinkled Robe investigation. Testimony from numerous witnesses in the case have shown over and over again that Judge Porteous accepted cash and gifts from lawyers with cases pending in his court, and as a federal judge he lied repeatedly under oath.
By seeking bribes, taking kickbacks and falsifying statements, Judge Porteous has misused his power as a federal judge and eroded the public’s trust.
Every day he continues to claim the title of a federal judge and draws his $174,000 salary is an insult to the citizens and taxpayers of this country. That’s why the U.S. House of Representatives studied the case and unanimously voted to remove him from office.
It’s time to end the abuse.
Please stand with the people of Louisiana.
By SIGNING YOUR NAME BELOW, you will join us in speaking out against corruption and urging the U.S. Senate to diligently complete its investigation and take the final step to impeach Judge Porteous once and for all.