Industri Perlu Kamil!

Kami selaku penerbit, pengarah, pelakon dan ahli industri filem Malaysia,
Ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan, sokongan dan keyakinan padu kami terhadap penerusan dan penyambungan kepimpinan Dato Kamil Othman selaku Ketua Pengarah FINAS oleh kerana beberapa perkara yang tersebut:
1. Penubuhan Content Malaysia Pitching Centre (CMPC) dalam merumuskan proses permohonan bantuan FINAS yang sekaligus menyatukan sektor-sektor industri filem Malaysia yang sebelum ini terbahagi. Penubuhan CMPC memperkasakan industri filem secara inklusif.
2. Proses permohonan dana yang menumpukan fokus kepada “development” sebelum produksi untuk tujuan meningkatkan kualiti naratif filem Malaysia.
3. Menghasilkan “Technology Unit” untuk mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang berkait dengan industri dan melatih pembikin filem yang akan datang. Kejayaan unit ini boleh dilihat dalam program CILL, Next New Wave dan Astro Shortcuts.
4. Aktiviti Tanya KP yang berlangsung sebulan sekali pada hari jumaat. Aktiviti ini sekaligus mendekati FINAS dengan ahli pembikin filem dalam memahami keperluan kedua belah pihak dengan jelas.
5. Memberi ruang kepada sinema dunia melalui Cinematheque@FINAS yang juga menjadi tuan rumah kepada Kelab Seni Filem Malaysia yang merupakan kelab filem yang tertua dan terulung di Negara.
6. Menyusun semula struktur FINAS untuk menitikberatkan peranan industri filem sebagai penyumbang ekonomi dan bukan sahaja hiburan.
7. Menghasilkan rancangan perniagaan FINAS tahun 2014/2015 dan 2016/2017 terlebih dahulu untuk jangka masa yang panjang. Keputusan dan rancangan sebegini tidak boleh ditinggalkan ke saat yang akhir.
8. Mendorong industri kreatif Sabah Sarawak melalui Jelajah Pitching Micro Fund dan ‘Development Fund Pitching’. Pengumuman penubuhan Kinabalu Creative Centre untuk meringankan beban penerbit filem Sabah Sarawak yang terpaksa pergi ke Semenanjung untuk urusan rasmi.
9. Memperbetul dan meningkatkan Skim Wajib Tayang - http://www.finas.gov.my/services/wajib-tayang/
10. Menubuhkan Museum of Moving Image and Mediatheque.
11. Menemukan pembikin filem tempatan dengan syarikat-syarikat kewangan filem dan dana antarabangsa.
12. Mengutamakan pendedahan strategik bagi filem tempatan di festival filem antarabangsa pada skala yang belum pernah tercapai.
13. Merapatkan rangkaian perfileman Malaysia bersama CNC France dan European Union.
14. Keahlian proaktif beliau di dalam Asian Content Business Summit dan juga perlantikan semula beliau sebagai Naib Presiden Asian Film Commission Network, Korea, pada bulan Oktober 2016 yang lalu.
15. Melaksanakan 'Co-production treaties' yang akan memudahkan proses kerjasama diantara penerbit filem tempatan dengan penerbit luar negara.
16. Merombakkan insentif penggambaran filem di Malaysia bagi menarik penerbitan filem dan TV dari luar negara.
Industri kandungan dan masa depan dunia perfileman Malaysia memerlukan kepimpinan teknikal yang berbudaya domestik dan juga antarabangsa bagi mengukir ruang yang cukup relevan untuk Malaysia. Sejak Dato Kamil Othman berpegang jawatan Timbalan Presiden Malaysia Development Corporation (MDec), beliau terbukti berupaya mengindustrikan sektor animasi Malaysia di pentas dunia. Ini juga termasuk penubuhan Sabah Animation Creative Content Centre (SAC3) yang dalam masa yang singkat, telah membentuk pelajar yang mampu menghasilkan karya animasi yang bermutu.
Dedikasi dan pencapaian Dato Kamil Othman tidak senang untuk diabaikan di Malaysia maupun dipersada dunia. Dengan ini kami memohon dan menyokong dengan ikhlas dan jelas kepada pihak menteri untuk meneruskan kepimpinan, usaha, dan sumbangan Dato Kamil sebagai ketua pengarah FINAS.
Akhir sekali, kami ingin memartabatkan FINAS sebagai sebuah nama yang dinaung, dihormat dan disanjungi sebagaimana Korean Film Council, Screen Australia, Film France, dan British Film Commission dikenali di persada dunia perfileman. Kami percaya Dato Kamil Othman adalah orang yang tepat, betul dan cekap dalam melaksanakan impian dunia perfileman Malaysia.
Majulah filem untuk Negara.
We, the producers, directors, actors and members of the Malaysian film industry,
Wish to extend our deepest appreciation, support and confidence in the continued governance of Dato Kamil Othman as Director-General of FINAS based on the following grounds:
1. The establishment of the Content Malaysia Pitching Centre (CMPC), which has simplified FINAS funding application processes unifying sectors of the Malaysian film industry, which were previously divided. The establishment of CMPC has provided for the inclusive empowerment of our film industry.
2. The process of funding applications emphasising ‘development’ before production as a necessary step towards elevating the quality of Malaysian film narratives.
3. Producing a “Technology Unit” for industry players to keep abreast with the rapid worldwide development of industry-related technologies and to train the next generation of filmmakers. The success of this unit has benefited countless Malaysian filmmakers through the CILL program, Next New Wave and Astro Shortcuts.
4. The ‘Tanya KP’ (Ask Director-General) event which takes place one Friday of every month. This event has allowed for FINAS and filmmakers to better understand each other’s roles and to bring the two parties closer together.
5. Providing a space for World Cinema through the Cinematheque@FINAS, which has played host to Kelab Seni Filem Malaysia, which is Malaysia’s oldest and most established film club in the country.
6. The rearrangement of FINAS’ structure to place emphasis on the role of the film industry as a significant contributor to the Malaysian economy and not solely as a source of entertainment for the public.
7. Formulating a sustainable financial plan for FINAS for the years 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 earlier on. Decisions and planning of this nature cannot be left to the final hour.
8. Invigorating the creative industry in Sabah Sarawak through the Jelajah Pitching Micro Fund and ‘Development Fund Pitching’ whilst announcing the establishment of the Kinabalu Creative Centre to ease the burden of Sabah Sarawak filmmakers who have long had to travel to West Malaysia for official film-related processes.
9. Improved and elevated the status of Skim Wajib Tayang - http://www.finas.gov.my/services/wajib-tayang/
10. The establishment of the Museum of Moving Image and Mediatheque.
11. Introducing local filmmakers to international production funders and corporations.
12. Emphasising on the strategic exposure of local films through international film festivals at a scale not yet seen before in Malaysian film history.
13. Nearing the structure of Malaysian filming to CNC France and the European Union.
14. His proactive membership within the Asian Content Business Summit and also his recent re-appointment as the Vice President of the Asian Film Commission Network, Korea this October 2016.
15. Enacting Co-production Treaties that will smoothen the processes of co-productions between local and International Producers.
16. Providing for more enticing incentives behind shooting in Malaysia for International Film and TV Producers.
The Content Creation industry and the future of the Malaysian film industry requires technical leadership that can position Malaysian cinema both on a local and global frontier. Since Dato Kamil Othman’s appointment as Vice President of MDeC, he has proven himself as a competent innovator, bringing Malaysia’s animation industry to the international stage. This also includes the establishment of the Sabah Animation Creative Content Centre (SAC3), which within a short period, has successfully prepared students in East Malaysia for working on international animation productions.
The dedication and accolades of Dato Kamil Othman cannot be understated anywhere in Malaysia nor on a global front. With this, we kindly request that the Ministry to continue the leadership, efforts and contributions of Dato Kamil as the Directory-General of FINAS.
Lastly, we implore FINAS as an internationally respected entity that is globally on par with the Korean Film Council, Screen Australia, Film France and the British Film Commission. We believe that Dato Kamil Othman is the only person for the position who can competently and clearly realise our industry’s full potential, and the dreams for Malaysian cinema.
Majulah filem untuk Negara.