Save the Industrial Life and Health Insurance Company Building!

With the intent of expanding its medical campus in SoNo (south of North Avenue, between downtown and midtown Atlanta), Emory Crawford Long Hospital plans to demolish the elegant 1930 "modern classic" commercial building originally known as the national headquarters of the Industrial Life and Health Insurance Company (later, Life of Georgia), which stands on the northeast corner of Linden Ave. and West Peachtree St. Please join the Atlanta Preservation Center (APC), via this petition, in publicly asking Emory Crawford Long Hospital to reconsider its current plans to demolish the structure in order to erect a new office tower (demolition permits have already been issued - BB200800242, BB200803745, BB200801716 - one as recently as June 30th of this year). Designed by Frazier & Bodin of Atlanta, the Industrial Life and Health Insurance building was built in 1930 in what GA Tech professor Robert M. Craig calls the "modern classic" style, which reflected a transitional period of styles between traditional revival styles of the previous decades and the approaching International Style of metal and glass structures of the coming future. This building is clad in Indiana limestone, decorated with ornate garlands and pilasters, and has a lobby made with restrained decorations of Italian marble. The building's architectural significance greatly adds to the aesthetics of W. Peachtree Street and the SoNo district as a whole, and is one of the few remaining, classically designed historic buildings in this neighborhood. In addition, the company that built and once owned this building (see history below) greatly contributed to the growth of Atlanta and enhanced the lives of the city's citizens, as well as the lives of countless others across the country. While the APC recognizes the significantly important role Emory Crawford Long Hospital plays in the community with regards to health care, it strongly urges the hospital to consider viable alternatives to the demolition of this historic, 78 year-old gem. The hospital has shown its willingness to save historic structures on its campus in the past - the Davis-Fischer Sanatorium (1911) and the W.W. Orr Doctor's Building (1930). Let this building become the hospital's preservation trifecta. Sign the petition below! The APC, along with your help, can be an impetus for change. Emory Crawford Long, PLEASE DON'T TEAR THIS BUILDING DOWN! To additionally vocalize your concerns, please contact: Atlanta Urban Design Commission (AUDC) 55 Trinity Avenue, Suite 3400 Atlanta , Georgia 30335-0331 404-330-6200 Karen Huebner - Assistant Director khubner@atlantaga.gov Doug Young - Urban Planner, Principal dyoung@atlantaga.gov Atlanta City Council Kwanza Hall - Council District 2 khall@atlantaga.gov Atlanta City Hall 55 Trinity Ave, S.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta , GA 30303-3584 404-330-6038 The Industrial Life and Health Insurance Company (Life of Georgia) Building - an overview: Built: 1930 Style: Classically decorated commercial architecture in the modern style of the time, reflecting a transitional period of styles between traditional revival styles of the previous decades and the approaching International Style of metal and glass structures of the coming future Architect: Frazier & Bodin, who's firm designed approximately 125 district office buildings in 11 states for the Industrial Life and Health Insurance/Life of Georgia Company, as well as other commercial and many residential structures. (Charles E. Frazier was the architect of Coca-Cola tycoon family member Asa Candler, Jr.'s Druid Hills mansion, The Briarcliff, which is located on Atlanta's Emory University campus. Daniel Bodin was Frazier's draftsman until he became a partner in 1930, the same year the Industrial Life building was built. Bodin also designed a mansion for himself in Druid Hills. Additionally, Frazier and Bodin designed the 1939, Adam-styled 281 Blackland Road/Buckhead mansion for Hugh Nunnally (Nunnally Candy Company), where in 1939 Clark Gable and Carole Lombard posed for photos during the premiere of "Gone With the Wind.") Additions: 30,000 sq. ft. late 1930s by Frazier & Bodin, million dollar east addition and Linden entrance in 1947 by Bodin & Lamberson History: * In 1929, company swapped Walton Street property for a lot with frontage of 122 feet on West Peachtree * 1947, Industrial Life and Health Insurance Company officially changes its name to Life of Georgia * One of the first insurance companies in the country to offer policies to African Americans * Late 1950's/early 1960's, LeCroy's cafeteria operated out of the lobby * In 1968, Life of Georgia moves half a block and across the street to its new tower (now One Georgia Center) on the corner of North Ave. and W. Peachtree * Original 1930 building bought in 1968 by Dr. James Tanner, who is the founder of the International Burn Foundation, and others; Renamed Doctor's Memorial Hospital. * Bought in 1986 by Emory Crawford Long Hospital. * 2008 slated for demolition (Special thanks to Ann Taylor Boutwell for her assistance with historical research)