Initiative for Student Security

The undersigned demand that the United States Congress pass comprehensive firearm legislation and increase security in schools that will allow students to learn with the peace of mind that they will be safe from harm.
Following the 28 school shootings that have occurred since Sandy Hook and on top of the countless shootings that took place prior to the tragedy in Newtown, the efforts by the Congress to alleviate such events have been inadequate as the number of mourning families grows because of these acts of violence. Students possess the basic right to gain an education without the constant threat of violence looming in their facilities. The fact remains that those incapable of responsibly and safely handling firearms are perpetrating these acts of terrorism, which will no longer be tolerated by the students.
Since Colorado has been the target of multiple school shootings including those at Columbine, Platte Canyon, and Arapahoe High Schools, it’s the responsibility and moral duty to represent the victims and the undersigned at the State and Federal level in order to make a change. The Congress, in a bipartisan effort, must provide the legal basis to prevent future incidents from occurring, which have resulted in the senseless loss of young and innocent lives. At the top of the agenda should legislation including increased security in schools and firearm regulation to ensure that those who obtain deadly weapons have undergone a thorough and complete background check and possess the mental capacity to use such weapons properly without endangering others. It’s past time that students finally feel safe in their schools without the threat of shootings and other acts of senseless violence lurking when students should be learning, and it’s past time that the Congress make this possible.