Suggested Changes To USPA Requirements

USPA Safety and Training Comittee:
I have seen a growing amount of support to make some modifications to the current process to become a USPA Coach and a USPA AFF Instructor. I respectfully request that the topic be brought up for discussion at your earliest convienence.
Some suggested changes:
1. Increase the requirement to be eligible for the USPA Coach rating to 200 jumps and a C license.
2. Add a 12 month as a USPA Coach requirement to be eligible for a Tandem I or AFFI.
3. Add a AFF jumpmaster rating to all new graduates of the AFFCC.
4. Add 12 month requirement as a AFFJM to be eligible for the AFFI rating.
Obviously, this would open up the above for discussion and require input from all parties involved. Thank you for your time, it is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rich Winstock D19054 (S&TA, Tandem I/E, Coach I/E, AFFI)