Investigate Chamber Of Commerce Spying On Reporters And NGOs

I call on Congress and the Department of Justice to investigate the Chamber of Commerce law firm, Hunton & Williams, for conspiring with three private security firms to create a multimillion dollar intelligence operation to destroy www.StopTheChamber.com, Velvet Revolution and it staff, including journalist Brad Friedman, along with SEIU, reporter Glenn Greenwald, Change to Win and ChamberWatch. This planned attack included planting false documents, creating disinformation, spying on the group's operation, cyberstalking, and defamation.
It is unconstitutional and undemocratic for firms acting on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce to engage in domestic spying with the intent to destroy reporters and non profit organizations. Congress should hold hearings to get to the bottom of this, and the Department of Justice should prosecute all those involved.