Loretta E. Lynch Attorney General Of The United States: Investigate Walter James Palmer For Criminal Violation Of The Travel Act
Walter James Parker of 11413 Landing Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 killed beloved lion Cecil while on a hunting expedition in Zimbabwe. Palmer allegedly baited, shot, skinned and
beheaded the beloved, majestic lion.
Zimbabwean authorities are alleging that Walter James Palmer bribed wildlife guides for $55,000 in order to kill a lion. The Travel Act forbids travel to foreign countries to engage in illegal activities. Bribery would be considered one of those activities.
The United States has an extradition treaty with Zimbabwe. A “dual criminality” clause is written into the treaty. If an American engages in conduct in Zimbabwe which is illegal both in the United States and Zimbabwe (and imprisonment for at least one year is called for) the United States is legally bound to extradite Palmer to Zimbabwe.