Mr. President, We Stand With Israel
Dear President Barack H. Obama,
We , the undersigned, are signing this Petition to voice our outrage and dismay that you have more respect for enemies of the United States than allies like the State of Israel as you have shown repeatedly throughout your presidency.
On March 23rd, 2010, you met with Israeli Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. Unfortunately, you treated Mr. Netanyahu in a disrespectful manner.
It is customary for the President of the United States to hold a joint press conference with the visiting head of state, to permit the media to take photographs, and to offer a statement of what was discussed in the meeting.
In an act which can only be explained as a snub, you prevented the media from taking any photographs, required that your meeting with Mr. Netanyahu be closed to the press, offered no statement about what was discussed in the meeting, and left the Prime-minister and his entourage in the White House while you went to dinner with your family.
This is certainly not a way to treat one of America's best friends in the world.
Instead of weakening Israel for building homes in a Jewish neighborhood, we call on you and your administration to utilize more energy in confronting Iran to prevent a nuclear Holocaust.
Thank you for your time.