Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Engine Source Code Release

Over the previous 10 years, the community behind Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II has innovated and created game-play, scenarios, content, and more for the game within a limited set of tools, and we continue to do so today. Due to the continued interest from the community in the game, and the fact that the technology driving Jedi Knight has become obsolete in terms of usable technology for a modern video-game product, a release of the Jedi Knight executable binary source is in the best interest of both LucasArts and the Jedi Knight community. Companies like id Software (Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake) have helped begin a trend of releasing executable source for their products, once the source code is no longer commercially useful. Other companies like 3D Realms (Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and others) have embraced this practice, and as a result, they have become even more driven by their communities in their past and present products. We, the Jedi Knight community, hope to see LucasArts embrace this practice as well, allowing the community to flourish and create new things that have never before been possible.