Johnson Elementary Students Need A New School

Stand together with our PTA and advocate to give our students a school that will meet today’s requirements:
Proper Building Structure (currently outside classrooms, leaky roof, non-working heat and air conditioning, temporary fix of standing water under school causing mold presence and requiring dehumidifiers, single pane windows, lacking 13 restrooms)
Adequate # of classrooms with storage to accommodate current and growing student population and Pre-K (currently not enough rooms, no storage and no Pre-K)
Gymnasium for Physical Education, Recess and Student Programs (does not exist; our students never meet at once)
Band Room (currently using stage)
Faculty Meeting/Lounge(currently 1-4 seat table in a copy room)
Kitchen (currently too small for number of students)
Breakfast/Lunch Room to accommodate 600+ students where children can talk (currently the same space being used as cafeteria, gym and auditorium)
Plus many more issues
Many parents, grandparents and community members will be attending a Board of Education Meeting on December 2nd at Bridgeport High School at 6pm to address these needs. Please sign this petition to let the Board know you support a new school for Johnson Elementary!