Just get f.lux on iOS already
Niels ten Have 0

Just get f.lux on iOS already

Niels ten Have 0 Comments
7 people have signed. Add your voice!
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It's time for f.lux on iOS. Many people around the world use their iPhone or iPad shortly before going to sleep. According to research the blue light of the screens disrupts the circadian timing and negatively affects the quality of sleep, with the risk of many health complications over time.

It's time for Apple – as a company driven to enrich people's lives and focussing more and more on health with devices like Apple Watch – to start supporting f.lux on iOS. Whether by providing the right API's for the f.lux developers for the app to work, or by integrating f.lux right into iOS.

The popularity of the news of f.lux short-lived availability on iOS via sideloading, as well as the news around the takedown notice, has proven the demand for this. It's time for Apple to start co-operating, and help their millions of users staying more healthy with good nights of sleep.

(image via 9to5mac.com)

Please continue here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/allow-flux-on-ios

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