Justice for our animals in Tennessee
pauleen pool 0

Justice for our animals in Tennessee

5097 signers. Add your name now!
pauleen pool 0 Comments
5097 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Justice for our animals in Weakley County.and all of TN On the 15th of May a little St Bernard Puppy was beaten and snout tied kicked beaten and then stabbed to death. Preston Odle and Levi Evans will appear in the Dresden TN courts on June 13th 8.30am and hopefully the courts will uphold the law..They Were ARRESTED BUT LET OUT ON BAIL. We need these Animal abusers to be charged to the fullest of AGGRAVATED ANIMAL CRUELTY. Felony charges they need Jail FOR THE DEATH OF THIS LITTLE PUPPY the next will be a child or a person.. animals have rights. . This little puppy only knew how to love. His life was taken he only lived 4 months. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION SO WE CAN GET THIS TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AND DA'S OFFICE TO GET THE LAWS CHANGED AND TO MAKE THE JUDGES AND DA'S DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THESE ANIMALS, the courts need to make sure that these people get proper help other wise the judicial system fails once again. SIT AND THINK SPELL DOG BACKWARDS THEY ARE GODS CREATURES. AND HAVE SERVED MANKIND, ECT .DRUG DOGS SERVICES DOGS AND SO ON. and MANS BEST FRIEND. Thank you for signing this petition for this puppy we have named Angel.




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