Justice For Our Children

Letter and Petition to
To Whom It May Concern,
On behalf of the residents of Twin Falls, Idaho, we are presenting this petition in an attempt for justice for a local five year old girl. This little girl, as stated in the news, was assaulted, and urinated on by three boys under the age of 18. The boys took her into a laundry room and proceeded to take part on the previous stated actions which was videotaped by the eldest boy. The incident as well as the video was submitted to the police department. However, due to the ages of the children involved, this case is being sealed. Many people in this community are in awe, and outraged that minimal consequences will be served to these boys and their parents for this vile incident.
We are writing you because we feel there is an incredible lack of justice being. We are targeting these individuals because of their horrific acts. No one should go without consequences for actions like these no matter the age, race, culture, or language barrier. There are numerous cases where minors commit heinous crimes such as rape, murder, etc. in which they are punished via imprisonment and so on. For instance, the African American boy who was brutally raped in Dietrich, ID. There is no excuse as to why these boys should not receive highest repercussions for their actions. This little girl and her family will live with this trauma for the rest of their lives while these boys are out in our community with high probability of something like this happening again; especially when taking into consideration they have parental support for what they did. Many families are extremely concerned about the safety of their children. Families are also concerned with how these boys even came up with the ideas to do such acts.
These types of things will keep taking place, and only encourage the actions to continue as well as possibly get worse if we don’t take action on this. People move to Twin Falls, Idaho from all over the nation and from countries around the world to have a safe place to raise their families. We do not want to lose our community. We want to keep our reputation as a family friendly community. In order to do this, we need to ensure our laws concerning violations of children are strict, taken seriously, and followed through. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Concerned the citizens of Twin Falls, Idaho
June 18th 2016