Justice For Trigger

Trigger my dog "pitbull "was fatally shoot and killed march 23 2015 2:00 pm twice in the back with a 12 gage buck sh oot in his back .My two year old daughter "Bettie" was a witness to this tragedy she saw her dog " best friend" die in a ditch . She was less then 30 feet away . with a main rd there to .My family would like to see justice for trigger and know why the police did write down my side of the story, recorded my police call ?
He is a ex cop ??? I need help raising funds for court and lawyer cost and more fencing to keep my other dogs safe and etc. Please help my family get justice for trigger . I'm on social security because I'm disabled ,I can not afford to do this on my own .I would like Cedric to receive the maximum penalty and not be allowed to own animals . thank you for your time . trigger it deeply missed . A child should never have to witness such unspeakable actions ,Cedric should pay for his actions . thank you again for your time
Love and light