Stop Legal Kidnapping by Social Service Agencies

PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION AND THE LINK TO OUR SITE @ www.justiceforthelunnartriplets.org
THANK YOU!! Khrysti
We, the undersigned, support this petition to gain support, change the laws that enable and raise awareness about a very serious, life-altering matter that is negatively impacting American families all over the U.S. and even the world. The issue is Legal Kidnapping & Drugging with Psychotropic drugs by Child Protective Services in counties everywhere due to false allegations of abuse and neglect with NO evidence to support or substantiate the claims. We have uncovered countless, horrific stories from families suffering without their beloved children.
These families are suffering the devastating loss of their children by removal of the children from the family home and termination of parental rights. Termination means that the parent and children are no longer permitted any form of contact whatsoever. This includes telephone calls, physical contact, visitation, access to health or school records, photos, videos, cards, presents for holidays; any information pertaining to the children. Essentially, in the eyes of the government, Courts, schools, etc., the parent has no relation to the child and no more right to the child than a stranger on the street.
Children are often HIGHLY and dangerously medicated with Psychotropic drugs to make them more compliant, shoved into counseling, suffer abandonment disorders, get in trouble in school and at home, are suicidal and depressed. These precious children suffer many other physical and mental health effects from being torn from parents who love them and never harmed them in the first place.
We could list COUNTLESS atrocities perpetrated on the children and distraught parents under the guise of "protecting" these precious children by social workers, foster parents, G.A.L.'s, Judges, therapists, psychiatrists as well as many other 'professionals in the field. In reality, these families are seldom the ones who need help and those that do are cast to the wayside.
Most of the time, these crimes against humanity are perpetrated on families who fall in the poverty or low class income bracket. The primary reason for this is that these families do not have the means to hire attorneys who will aggressively and honestly defend them; leaving them helpless against a system with unlimited resources. These organizations receive funds for every child adopted out of foster care. Additionally, and quite disturbingly, the agencies are given "bonuses" for children who are labeled "special needs" due to unnecessary and dangerous medicating with psychotropic drugs by under-educated, misguided county employees. These bonuses start at $4000-$6000 PER CHILD and an additional $2000 per special needs child.
PLEASE sign our petition! It's time to stop the shame and tell these stories for the children who can't speak for themselves! We feel concrete, tangible evidence needs to be provided to ensure the actions taken by social service workers and related professionals aren't for personal retaliation, monetary gain, a promotion in their field, a general lack of knowledge and experience or a power struggle in which innocent children's lives are ripped apart. SAVE children who are loved, cherished, cared for and adored by their biological parents from being ripped away from the families they love. Save and protect our children from a life of confusion, hate, and abuse at the hands of others. If WE don't protect our children, who will?
Please visit our website @ www.JusticeForTheLunnarTriplets.org , our Facebook Cause @ "Save Our Children From Legal Kidnapping By Social Service Agencies", and our FB Page @ "Families Against Legal Kidnapping by Social Services" for information, videos, documents and personal stories, including ours.
Thank you for your time and support in our effort to make this world a safer place for our children!
If our petition asks you to make a donation you do NOT have to! We don't receive funds to help advertise these causes/petitions and we certainly do NOT profit. Just click the 'X' to CLOSE the box. Your signature still shows on this petition! ;) Thx!! Khrysti
Our Website: www.justiceforthelunnartriplets.org ~~ The Official Website for the Lunnar Triplets. This site contains information, a forum to share your story, member photos, live chat, a News Stand, Tips for dealing with DSS, prayer chain, and MORE! Please come see us!
*http://library.adoption.com/articles/summary-of-the-adoption-and-safe-families-act-of-1997.html ~~the article RIGHT out of an adoption website
*BROADCAST on drugging kids in foster care for profit
*Senator Nancy Schaefer's Letter regarding her investigations into DSS