It is now 4 years since Boxer JKD came to attention in Britain. Because the disease was immediately seen to be widely spread and the mode of inheritance was not yet clear, the only advice given to breeders was to avoid inbreeding. Breed Council decided that pedigrees should not be made public.
Since then, the mode of inheritance has largely clarified, and the disease has been recognized throughout the breed, not only in Britain but also throughout Europe and America. Tragically, it has also reached Australia and New Zealand through British exports.
Several European research groups and one American group are attempting to find the gene for JKD, but there is no expectation that the gene will be found quickly and a test developed.
In Sweden, the pedigrees of affected litters are published and it is recommended that JKD producers should be withdrawn from further breeding, but in Britain nothing is being done to help breeders. Rather, the withholding of pedigrees, coupled with the low detected incidence of affected animals, has meant that breeders are barely convinced that JKD is inherited
For this reason, we, the undersigned Boxer breeders, owners and exhibitors, petition the UK Boxer Breed Council to
a. request all JKD-producing Boxers be withdrawn from breeding, as also sibs of affected pups, and
b.authorize, with owners’ permission,the publication of pedigrees of affected litters to ensure that everyone can see that JKD is inherited.
The fact that JKD is now seen to be a problem in Boxers world-wide will minimize concern that breeders will attempt to breed to supposed clear lines and so reduce the size of the already-diminished gene pool. There are no unquestionable clear lines although there will be many clear dogs in all lines.
NB - when signing it would be appreciated if you could add your affix after your surname and country, many thanks.
Respectfully submitted 14/10/2014.