Keep the Stirling Haunted Mansion Open

We, Richard & Glory Reimer of 441-4th St Stirling AB, bring forth this petition in opposition to a ‘stop order’(dated Jan 26/15) that we have received from the Village Administrator. The rules of ‘grandfathering’ apply to the Haunted Mansion and its activities. We are entitled to remain open according to the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation, which refers to being led to believe that we have the right to do business through issuance of licences, advertising and 15 years running.. The facts are we have been operating since the year 2000 as the Haunted Mansion with previous licences to which the administration never required a development permit, and due to the lack of adequate record keeping of licences on the part of the Village administration, the stop order document is not only null and void but persistent harassment. We have become an established tourist draw, that the Village Administration themselves had also promoted for years via their webpage and their brochures, and only now search for fault in us when the opposition of one neighbor is heard.
We are asking for the continued issuance of our licence to operate, as we have for the past 15 years, as well as promote ourselves and this community in a fun and positive manner, and we are asking for the public apology from our Village of Stirling administration that is owed to us and to you the members of this community. They have a sworn duty to uphold the best interests of the community, we feel they have not done their job in this case.
This petition will be delivered to our Village Council, our MLA and any other appropriate governing agent.
According to English Law “Irrationality will always be defeated if the particular decision has sufficient qualities of reasonableness. ie; it should never be irrational to prefer the good of the many to the interests of the few”