Keep the UK Net Neutral!
Stuart Reyner 0

Keep the UK Net Neutral!

129 signers. Add your name now!
Stuart Reyner 0 Comments
129 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Net Neutrality means that Internet service providers shouldn't discriminate between different kinds of content and services. it means a level playing field for all Web sites and Internet technologies. Now Culture minister Ed Vaizey has suggested that UK service providers should be able to charge content makers and customers for faster access, and that ISP's will be allowed to favour some sources over others. Web sites that display video such as the BBC or YouTube could face extra charges or slower speeds. Service Providers could also decide to charge extra to ensure lag free online games. What other internet services will be penalised or come at a premium? Users are already paying to access the internet, and content providers are already paying to make their services available. Why should anyone need to pay again? Please sign the petition to keep the UK Net Neutral.


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